Sunday Best

The Term Sunday Best is one which has been associated with one's best clothing worn to church or on special occasions. Africans especially West Africans are no exception to this as they have been known to adorn themselves in their “best” and in some occasions most flamboyant outfits when attending gatherings and special functions. In most cases they are beckoned by the “wait and take” portrait photographers who can be spotted hanging around the venues and are ever so eager to capture them and have their portraits printed and ready before the occasion is over.

In contemporary times, Sunday Best has gone from mere outfits that one wears for special occasions to more of a means of identity. These outfits- occasionally fused with cultural attires showcase representation and style from the ever evolving fashion climate in West Africa and have taken up a new means of both cultural expression and representation - most noticeably with the youths.

The work Sunday Best is a celebration of West African Cultural Bravado, Snapshot Portraiture, and bold Fashion Style. Using both Video and Photographs, the work takes visual inspiration from early 60s, 70s and 80s West African style portraiture while at the same time showcasing modern Avant-garde West African outfits that are worn by there youths on Sunday’s and other special occasions.