Anyi N’Aga (We Are Going )
The blue and white or sometimes red and white checkered bags popularly known as Ghana - Must - Go gained both popularity and an attachment to migration during the 1980s in Nigeria - West Africa - when millions of undocumented Ghanian Nationals were expelled from Nigeria. Many of whom used the bags to pack up and courier their belongings back to Ghana, giving the bags their name.
In recent times and with the advent of globalization, migration of people across neighboring boarders, oceans and far continents have become a more reoccurring theme. Many people migrate seeking better economic prospects, job opportunities, education and marriage; carrying with them their belongings, cultures and beliefs.
Anyi N’Aga- We Are Going- through the lens of fashion, explores the themes of migration and heritage as they relate to the above mentioned points. While aesthetically drawing on the symbolism of the Ghana - Must - Go bags as they have been linked with the idea of travel and migration.